Lakeview was organized on October 7, 1939 by a group of people who felt they needed a place of worship in their own community. Twenty-five charter members gathered at 2:00 pm that first Sunday afternoon in a little frame building owned by Mr. Clyde Arnold.
Each week, Mr. Arnold and other men of the church would cut wood for the large pot-bellied stove that provided the heat. Mr. Arnold later donated the building to the church and additional rooms were added. The church did have the modern conveniences of electricity and a well with a hand-pump to provide water,
The new church needed a name. Some of the members wanted to name the church Arnold’s Chapel in honor of Mr. Arnold, but he refused. Then the congregation voted between two names - Lakeview or Riverside. Lakeview was selected as the name for the new church.
Although there was not to be a Women’s Missionary Union for several years. the ladies did meet regularly for devotions and a sewing circle. They made pillow cases, crocheted doilies and other hand-made items to sell in order to raise enough money to purchase a piano for the church. The piano was finally purchased, and Miss Betty Shuffler was sent to school in Hudson for six weeks to learn how to play the piano. She became the first church pianist.
In 1957, Mr. Arnold and his brother Lee donated two acres of land for a future church, and on July 20, 1958, the congregation voted to move the original church building from it’s old John Berry Road location to the land where it stands today.
The building was moved August 3, 1958, and while it was being readied for occupancy, services were held in the yards of the Chapman and Shuffler families. The piano was loaded onto the back of a pickup truck and carried to each service. Our pianist at the time, Alma Buff Smith, was helped up onto the truck to play piano for the service. On October 26, 1958 the dedication service was held for the new church.
During 1959, the parking area was completed, the lawn was planted with new grass, new choir pews were purchased and an outside baptismal pool was built. Prior to the building of the baptismal pool, baptisms were held in the Catawba River and John Berry Creek.
On September 1, 1968, the members voted to put stained glass windows in the church. Several families honored or memorialized loved ones by paying for a window. In 1969, Lakeview held a note burning ceremony to celebrate paying off debt on it’s building. Later that year, the congregation voted to remodel the interior of the sanctuary according to plans drawn by Deacon Clyde Shuping.